
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Seeking Treatment for Sleep Apnea is Important

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Sleep apnea is a common problem. It is seen more often in those who are overweight or obese, but thinner people can also suffer from it. Not everyone who has the condition is aware that they have it. If they live and sleep alone, they may not notice that they stop breathing for periods of time during the night. They can have a sleep study done by a doctor, to determine whether they have sleep apnea. People who have a partner who sleeps with them may discover the condition only because their partner becomes aware of it.

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No matter how they find out they have a medical problem, getting treatment for sleep apnea is very important. People who do not get treatment can see the condition worsen, which can lead to other health problems. For those who have sleep apnea Novato in Novato, there are treatment options available. Diagnosis and treatment should be explored as soon as possible, to avoid making the sleep apnea worse or having it lead to other medical issues. Many people who have sleep apnea struggle to stay awake during the day, and they never feel rested.

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Not getting enough good sleep can contribute to stress, weight gain, diabetes, heart problems, and other issues, but the risk can be reduced if the sleep apnea is treated and gotten under control. The pillar procedure is one of the ways sleep apnea is treated. It is non-invasive and can be completed in as little as 30 minutes. Once it has been done, the patient generally has a reduction or an elimination of sleep apnea and its symptoms. Many patients are amazed at how good they feel when they are able to simply get a good night's sleep for the first time in a very long time.

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There are patients who have been dealing with sleep apnea for years. They may have tried other treatments, such as CPAP machines, but not found relief. Many of these options are cumbersome and uncomfortable, so the patient stops wearing or using them. When a simple procedure can be used to reduce the problems that come with sleep apnea, it can restore a patient's quality of life. Sleep apnea treatment can also improve the relationship a patient has with their spouse or partner, since getting good sleep affects nearly everything a person does in their daily life.

Sleep Disorders Should Not be Ignored

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Sleep disorders like snoring and sleep apnea are often ignored. People are not interested in dealing with the problem, or they live alone and do not even realize that is is happening. They may not feel rested or think they are not sleeping well, but they may not realize why that is the case. For those who live alone and want answers, they can get information on their sleep disorders Novato in Novato. A sleep study will tell them if they are getting proper rest, and if they have sleep apnea or if they snore during the time they are not awake.

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Once they have the results of this study, they can make choices about what to do next. Regardless of the condition or issue they have, it should be treated. Ignoring problems like sleep apnea can lead to weight gain, trouble staying awake during the day, poor job performance, car accidents, heart problems, diabetes, and other issues. It is a serious concern, but there are treatments for it that will help a patient feel better and be healthier. One of these is the pillar procedure, which can be done in less than 30 minutes and is non-invasive. It is designed to reduce or eliminate sleep apnea, which can help with a number of other health issues.

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Exploring the cause of the sleep apnea or snoring issues is always the next step, after a sleep study indicates a problem. For those who do not sleep alone, a sleep study may not be necessary. Their partner may make it clear that their snoring is becoming a problem, or that they stop breathing multiple times during the night due to sleep apnea. Those kinds of conversations can be red flags for a potentially serious medical condition, and should not be taken lightly.

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After a patient knows that sleep apnea or snoring is a problem, it is important to discover the cause of the issue. In some cases it may be weight related, but people who are not overweight or obese can also have trouble with sleep apnea or snoring. The shape of the nasal passages, the way a person's jaw naturally falls when they are relaxed, and other factors can all lead to snoring or problems with sleep apnea. Once the cause is determined, the right treatment can be prescribed and administered, so the person can get good, restful sleep once again.