
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Understanding the Effects of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can become a serious disorder. It occurs when an individual’s breathing stops and starts repeatedly. Patients with sleep apnea might receive treatment from several types of healthcare professionals. The most common are pulmonary doctors; dentists; and ear, nose, and throat specialists. Overview of Sleep Apnea There are two primary kinds of sleep apnea. Quite often, both types remain initially undiagnosed. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea have the more common type. This condition occurs when muscles that keep the throat open in order for air to reach the lungs relax, blocking the airway.

sleep apnea Novato

Central sleep apnea is the result of the failure of the brain to send the right notices to muscles responsible for controlling breathing. People most often link sleep apnea to snoring. However, it can have a number of more serious effects. The disorder affects both adults and children. Studies have concluded that up to one-fourth of youngsters thought to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) might actually suffer from sleep apnea. Side Effects Sleep apnea patients can experience a combination of or a variety of side effects from the condition. The most common include:

Snoring Headaches Never feeling refreshed in the morning Irritability Retarded childhood growth Trouble concentrating Bed wetting in children Sleep walking in youngsters Falling asleep during a sedentary activity Sleeping while driving Need to urinate frequently at night

sleep apnea Novato

Sleep apnea can also result in more serious complications, such as: High blood pressure Heart problems Depression Memory issues Problems during surgery Liver problems Concerns with specific medications and general anesthesia Partners who become sleep-deprived Treatment Options Healthcare providers diagnose this condition by analyzing the results of overnight sleep studies. Individuals seeking treatment for sleep apnea Novato have a number of options for dealing with the disorder. The treating healthcare provider will recommend the best choice for each patient. The basic types of treatment include:

sleep apnea Novato

Airway pressure Devices that fit in the mouth Surgical removal of tissue Jaw repositioning through surgery Surgical implants in the soft palate Creation of a new air passageway for life-threatening cases Nasal surgery to remove any polyps or fix a deviated septum Medical personnel might also recommend a number of self-care steps such as: Losing any excess weight Getting regular exercise Not sleeping on the back Using sprays to keep nasal passages open Avoiding alcohol and medications like sleeping pills and tranquilizers

Understanding The Pillar Palatal Procedure

The Pillar Palatal Procedure is an FDA-approved, minimally invasive solution for treating certain types of sleep disorders in Novato and the surrounding areas.

sleep disorders Novato

. The procedure is highly effective at treating snoring and mild to moderate sleep disorders Novato brought on by the sufferer's palate. Many people think of snoring as just an annoying side effect of extreme tiredness, nasal allergies or sleeping in an awkward position. And while that may be the case for many snorers, many others who experience continual snoring may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized as pausing or shallow breathing during sleep - this condition obstructs vital oxygen from getting to the brain as well as the rest of the body.

sleep disorders Novato

Sleep apnea has been linked to other serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, GERD, obesity, poor blood circulation, shorter lifespan, ADHD and depression. Therefore, persons that experience frequent snoring should visit a doctor for evaluation and treatment options.The pillar palatal procedure has been the answer for many sufferers. It is performed as an outpatient procedure in a medical office by a small team of specialist. Small woven implants are embedded into the patent's soft palate which dulls the vibrations that brings forth snoring and sleep apnea.

sleep disorders Novato

The entire procedure takes less than thirty minutes start to finish and the patient's eating and speaking abilities remain unharmed. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to see a reduction of symptoms depending on the severity of the disorder. The benefits of a successful pillar palatal procedure include better quality of sleep, higher immune system, less daytime sleepiness, higher energy levels, longer lifespan, enhanced quality of life and increased bed partner satisfaction. To be considered for the procedure, the patient needs to be diagnosed and examined by a professional and then an appointment can be made.

As mentioned above, continual snoring and untreated sleep apnea can degrade the sufferer's quality of life and cause the formation of both mental and physical disorders. The pillar palatal procedure can reverse that fear and promote better night sleep night.