
Monday, December 8, 2014

4 Common Myths About Snoring

Many people with sleep apnea and snoring problems may not even know that they suffer, because they are buying into some of the common myths about snoring. The reality is, there are many different reasons for sleep disorders in Novato and other Northern California residents. Learn more about common myths regarding sleep disorders snoring.

sleep disorders Novato

Myth #1: Only older adults experience snoring and sleep-related issues.

Some people believe that snoring happens to them as they age, or that the majority of snorers are overweight adults. While there is a correlation between age, obesity, and snoring, the reality is that people of all ages can snore. Additionally, many people who suffer undiagnosed from sleep apnea Novato are women, including women who are of a healthy weight. Bottom line: There is no minimum age for sleep issues, so anyone suffering from poor sleep may want to consider doing a sleep study to find out whether sleep apnea or excessive snoring is a problem.

Myth #2: People only snore when they have a stuffy nose.

Some people believe themselves to be occasional snorers, due to allergies or seasonal colds. While people are likely to snore when they are congested, the nose is not the only place where disruptive sleep noises arise. Many of these sounds come from the throat and tongue, meaning that nasal congestion plays a limited role. Nasal decongestants can thus not eliminate night noises.

sleep disorders Novato

Myth #3: Weight loss will help with snoring issues.

While it is a good idea to lose weight if obesity is a concern, the reality is that losing weight in and of itself will not suddenly turn a snorer into a non-snorer. The good news is, there are treatments for sleep apnea and snoring that can reduce and elminate night noises, help the snorer get a better night's sleep, and restore quality of life.

sleep disorders Novato

Myth #4: If you snore, you know it.

The reality is that many people who snore are not aware of this fact until someone in their life tells them about it. That is, unless they snore so loudly that they wake themselves up!

It is a myth to think that someone has to just learn to live with snoring or sleep apnea. These are incredibly disruptive to sleep and can take a toll on an individual's overall health and wellness with time. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Importance of REM Sleep

sleep apnea NovatoREM stands for "rapid eye movement". REM sleep is one of the most important stages of sleep when it comes to healing the body and calming the mind. For a person to be thoroughly rejuvenated after a full eight hours of sleep, they must have achieved a REM state several times over the course of the night.
Benefits of REM Sleep
When a person finally lapses into a REM sleep, their body begins to totally relax. The muscles release and blood is allowed to flow freely through almost every area of tissue. In this deep state of sleep, the body begins to rejuvenate itself by triggering healing responses that address micro tears in muscles, damage to connective tissues and injuries to joints and other areas of the body sleep apnea Novato.
sleep apnea NovatoREM states last anywhere from 70 to 90 minutes and can be repeated several times a night. During these periods of intense rest, the body re-energizes itself and helps to prepare the person for the next days' activities. The more REM states a person has each night, the more rested they feel the next day. If a person loses any REM sleep, the body tries to make up for it by lapsing into the REM state immediately the next time they fall asleep.
Sleep Disorders
Professionals who study sleep disorders Novato look to find ways to help people establish positive sleep patterns and alleviate problems that lead to insomnia. Stress is one of the most common causes of sleep problems. In Novato, one of the most common sleep disorders is obstructive sleep apnea.
sleep apnea NovatoSleep apnea is a condition in which a person stops breathing while they are sleeping. In some cases, sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing upwards of 100 times in a single night. This dramatically lowers a person's blood oxygen levels causing fatigue, headaches and irritability.

Correcting sleep apnea with a CPAP machine and other techniques, allows a person to achieve the deep REM state of sleep they need to maintain good health. The more they are able to achieve that state, the fewer health problems they will have. This can take time to correct, but with constant use of the CPAP machine, the person can begin to live a more normal life.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reduce Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and Other Sleep Disorders at a Snoring Center in Novato, California

marin snoring center
For those that want to treat sleep apnea and sleep disorders in Novato, California, a patient should choose a snoring center that offers innovative treatment options for these conditions. This center may be located near San Francisco for convenient accessibility. 

Patients will be impressed with the comfort that these centers offer so that patients feel relaxed enough to receive a dentistry procedure to cut back on snoring.

Patients will receive these treatments from registered and specialized dental assistants with years of experience in procedures like endodontics, sedation dentistry, orthodontics, pedodontics, oral surgery procedures, periodontics, sleep disorders Novato, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and restorative dentistry. marin snoring center
If a patient has sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, these are typically caused by either nose or mouth issues and the way that a person breathes. 

If a patient drinks a lot of alcohol before they sleep, they may be more likely to snore for that night. However, other situations and conditions like nasal congestion, weight issues, and even the positioning of a patient's uvula can all cause snoring and sleep apnea.

Therefore, centers like these may treat such issues with a pillar palatal surgery. A patient need not worry though, because these centers may perform this surgery in about 20 minutes only with very little recovery time needed for the patient. In fact, the patient should be able to resume normal activities like conversing and even consuming food not too long after the surgery.
Patients will find that their sleep apnea and snoring should practically disappear over time. In some cases, it can take a few months for the patient's symptoms to vanish completely, but most of the time the patients notice that their snoring has stopped in much less time than that. When patients snore less or not at all, they get better sleep at night and can thus focus better during the day and increase their productivity at work and at home.
They also don't disturb their partner at night. Their quality of life will improve overall.
A patient that wants to book an appointment for a surgical procedure at a snoring center in Novato can use this center's website or reach staff by the phone.
marin snoring center
If the patient does use the center's website, they can send an email to the center through the site where they can ask more about the procedure and their sleep apnea Novato. The patient can also book an appointment either by phone or online.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Understanding Sleep Disorders

marinsnoringcenterNovato has a long history dating back to 1839, and the region around it has an even longer history. Of course, most of what we know about its history is well-documented. For residents of the city who suffer from sleep disorders Novato, their own history can be a little bit more mysterious. The reason? Because for many, sleep problems aren't even something they're aware of until long after they've begun. Whether it's something as serious as sleep apnea or as seemingly benign as snoring, sleep disorders are a real problem for Novato residents and millions throughout the country.
Understanding more about various sleep disorders is important since it can help you understand more about your own problems and how to overcome them.

marinsnoringcenterSnoring is often the source of plenty of jokes, but it can be a very real problem. It's estimated that about 45% of all adults snore from time to time, and for about one-fourth of them it's a regular occurrence. Snoring can cause several issues including:
·         Loss of sleep
·         Sore throat
·         High blood pressure
·         And more
Causes range from the formation of the body's airways to drinking too much and more, and overcome the problem could be very simple or a bit more complex.
Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea Novato is a much more problematic issue, and one that could have some very serious repercussions. Basically, it's an issue wherein the person stops breathing for a period of time. It can last for seconds or for over a minute, and can occur numerous times within a set period of time.
marinsnoringcenterAbout 12 million Americans are estimated to have this sleep disorder, and left unchecked it can lead to many health issues. Depending on the severity of the sleep apnea, various treatments may exist. These could include things like changing sleeping positions, medication adjustment, or even the use of ventilation machines to ensure the patient breathes during their rest. It's also possible to correct the problem through minor surgical procedures.
Currently, only a few medical experts are using a procedure known as the Pillar Palatal Procedure. In this procedure, implants are placed in the patient's soft palate. This helps to strengthen the palate, which in turn helps reduce the vibration that causes snoring. It's a procedure that takes only about 20 to 30 minutes, and the recovery time is almost immediate. It can give patients back their restful nights and even help their loved ones enjoy a long, full, regular sleep again.
Different treatments will work best for different patients, and no two cases are the same. Because of this, it's important that you take the time to visit a medical professional. They'll be able to help tell you more about what your treatment options are and which ones they feel are best suited to you.
If your loved one or even you have noticed that you may be suffering from a sleep disorder, you'll want to get help as soon as you can. Even though it can seem like a minor annoyance that you can live with, it's better to overcome the problem outright than to simply tolerate it.