
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Importance of REM Sleep

sleep apnea NovatoREM stands for "rapid eye movement". REM sleep is one of the most important stages of sleep when it comes to healing the body and calming the mind. For a person to be thoroughly rejuvenated after a full eight hours of sleep, they must have achieved a REM state several times over the course of the night.
Benefits of REM Sleep
When a person finally lapses into a REM sleep, their body begins to totally relax. The muscles release and blood is allowed to flow freely through almost every area of tissue. In this deep state of sleep, the body begins to rejuvenate itself by triggering healing responses that address micro tears in muscles, damage to connective tissues and injuries to joints and other areas of the body sleep apnea Novato.
sleep apnea NovatoREM states last anywhere from 70 to 90 minutes and can be repeated several times a night. During these periods of intense rest, the body re-energizes itself and helps to prepare the person for the next days' activities. The more REM states a person has each night, the more rested they feel the next day. If a person loses any REM sleep, the body tries to make up for it by lapsing into the REM state immediately the next time they fall asleep.
Sleep Disorders
Professionals who study sleep disorders Novato look to find ways to help people establish positive sleep patterns and alleviate problems that lead to insomnia. Stress is one of the most common causes of sleep problems. In Novato, one of the most common sleep disorders is obstructive sleep apnea.
sleep apnea NovatoSleep apnea is a condition in which a person stops breathing while they are sleeping. In some cases, sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing upwards of 100 times in a single night. This dramatically lowers a person's blood oxygen levels causing fatigue, headaches and irritability.

Correcting sleep apnea with a CPAP machine and other techniques, allows a person to achieve the deep REM state of sleep they need to maintain good health. The more they are able to achieve that state, the fewer health problems they will have. This can take time to correct, but with constant use of the CPAP machine, the person can begin to live a more normal life.