
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sleep Apnea - the Invisible Condition

Many people, who have sleep apnea, do not even know they have this condition. The mild cases do not disturb the person enough for them to notice, although there may be some indications of a problem.
For example, the studies of sleep apnea in Novato show that the diagnosis of the condition comes from observing a person in the entire sleep pattern. This is the clearest way to see the problems of sleep apnea.

sleep center Novato

What is Sleep Apnea?

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH) notes how difficult it is to determine problems associated with sleep apnea. The confirmation comes from the studies of sleep apnea  Novato.

A person experiencing sleep apnea feels like they are choking in their sleep. They awake suddenly with the feeling that they cannot breathe.
This is a horrible condition, because many people who have this condition do not even know they have it, as it is often undetected.

sleep center Novato

The NIH notes that obstructive sleep apnea occurs as follows:
  • The airway become blocked during sleep
  • A partner in the same bed may notice this before the person experiencing this problem notices it
  • This is a common problem for people that are obese
Conditions Related to Sleep Apnea
  • Sleep apnea increases the risks of diabetes, heart conditions, and stroke
  • Sleep apnea increases the risk of irregular heart beats
  • Sleep apnea increases the risk of on-the-job accidents
  • Sleep apnea increases the chance of having an automobile accident
sleep center Novato

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

The treatment may come from a dentist instead of a doctor. Surprisingly, a dentist is the most likely help for problems with sleep apnea. The reasons for this is that a dentist understands the normal positioning of the teeth in the mouth and the way that everything interacts between the teeth, the mouth, the jaws, and the throat to make a nice balance.

Without this balance, there is the possibility of sleep apnea occurring.

sleep center Novato


It is not easy to notice if there is a problem with sleep apnea. Many times the first indication of a problem comes from a partner sleeping in the same bed, who wakes from the sounds of the other person struggling to breathe while sleeping.

Sleep apnea is a treatable problem. After recognition of the problem, for those having this difficulty, who want to get relief, they can seek out treatment for sleep apnea in Novato.

Learning More About Sleep Disoders Might Serve as the First Step to Great Sleep

People who suffer from lack of sleep often have some mysterious underlying issue but don't have the tools to properly identify that issue. 

sleep center Novato

The inability to pinpoint the reason for their sleeplessness often means they continue to suffer and usually end up letting the situation go on for several years. In some cases of sleep disorders Novato, unresolved cases can go on for a lifetime. With sleep clinics and medical professionals who focus on disordered sleeping, and finding solutions to these issues, poor sleepers can find answers and a path toward achieving consistent good nights of sleeping and refreshing rest.

What Can Most People Learn About Sleep Disorders to Help Them Decide How to Find Help?
People often think of insomnia and sleep apnea when it comes to discussing sleep disorders. While those issues are most common, there are several other sleep disturbances that might cause inability to sleep or some sleep interruptions. 

sleep apnea Novato

Patients who visit a reputable hospital with a staff of committed and compassionate professionals unsettled sleepers might find some answers and sound solutions for some common sleep disorders that many people might not imagine are happening to them:
  • Nightmares. Many people start having occasional nightmares at an early age; as an expression of unspoken daytime fears and worries, or from having watched a particularly scary film. When nightmares consistently follow someone into adulthood, preventing a good night's sleep, they have surpassed that original idea of a bad dream and become something dark and prohibitive of getting sleep for some sufferers to sleep much at all.
sleep center Novato
  • Insomnia. This most common sleep disorder is, for suffering patients, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep when all conditions to do so — a safe, comfortable and soft bed and warm soothing surroundings, for example — are available to the person suffering from insomnia. Insomnia can go on for long periods and end suddenly. However, while someone deals with an ongoing bout with this condition, they might experience fatigue, challenges concentrating, mood disturbances, low energy, and decreased scholastic or work performance.
  • Sleep Apnea. As associated with lack of breathing as lack of sleeping, sleep apnea is another problem facing many people just trying to get enough rest to lead productive lives. 
  • An "apnea," or a breathing pause happens frequently throughout someone's sleep and lasts about 10 seconds. Those who suffer from this condition usually only experience fragmented sleep and feel tired much of the time.
sleep apnea Novato

When patients attend a sleep specialist, they can find out about these conditions and others to get the help they need to finally get some rest.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Effects of alcohol on sleep apnea

sleep apnea Novato
Many people believe that a nightcap will help them sleep better. However, those suffering from sleep apnea Novato may experience disruption in sleep patterns that can cause problems when sleeping. Some of those who suffer from sleep apnea may experience worsening conditions when they drink alcohol. In some cases, conditions become hazardous to a person’s health when they rely on a machine to help them sleep with apnea and drink alcohol before bedtime.

sleep apnea Novato
The amount of beverages a person enjoys during the day may affect how someone with sleep apnea sleeps. Depending upon how much alcohol is consumed and how bad the apnea is, a person can experience very shallow breathing. In extreme cases, some experience stoppage of breathing at various points throughout the night.


Because of the effects alcohol has on the body, it is possible to develop snoring issues and sleep apnea. This can even occur in patients who have never experienced any signs or symptoms before. Those who do not normally snore, many find themselves snoring when they have been out drinking. Those who already snore may discover the start developing conditions related to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea and snoring can worsen with as little as one to two alcoholic beverages.

Oxygen levels
sleep apnea Novato
Increased snoring and breathing complications related to sleep apnea can cause oxygen levels in the body to drop. Because alcohol slows down and can impede breathing, this can cause an extreme drop in oxygen levels. If this occurs it could increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is also known as hypercapnia.

sleep apnea Novato
Patients undergoing therapy to help improve and rid themselves of their sleep apnea should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Even one or two beverages could cause problems associated with a person’s sleep apnea condition and in some cases make it worse. This is mostly because alcohol consumption will hinder a patient’s progress in improving their sleep apnea.

The effects of alcohol will be determined on how much someone drinks and how bad their sleep apnea is. For help with sleep apnea visit a local physician or sleep center in the Novato area. During a visit, patients will learn how their drinking may be making their sleep apnea worse.

Get enough sleep while traveling

sleep disorders Novato
Some people find themselves traveling often, which takes them away from the comfort of their own bed. Excessive traveling can cause a disruption in a person’s sleep habits, which can hinder how they function while traveling. Those traveling for work may find themselves having a hard time focusing due to their lack of sleep. While those who are traveling for a vacation, may find themselves wanting to go back to bed and not enjoy their vacation because of a lack of sleep. No matter what the reasons are for traveling, it is important to focus on getting enough sleep.

Signs of sleep deprivation

sleep disorders Novato
Those who are suffering from sleep deprivation while traveling, also referred to as jet lag, will experience various signs and symptoms. Some symptoms may include body fatigue, trouble staying awake, headaches and trouble concentrating. Other physical problems associated with jet lag may include digestive issues, unstable blood pressure and slower reflexes.

Relaxing while traveling
sleep disorders Novato
As long as the traveler is not the one driving, the time traveling offer the perfect opportunity to relax and get in some additional sleep. Those traveling by plane, train or bus will have plenty of time to get some much needed sleep in. To help improve sleep during this time it might be best to get a sleep mask to block out the light and wear headphones to block out the noise. A neck pillow will help offer some comfort for sleeping while traveling.

Sleeping at the hotel

sleep disorders Novato
Not everyone is able to get a sound night’s sleep while staying in a hotel. Everything from outside noises to sleeping in an unfamiliar location can impede the quality of sleep someone gets. To help get the best sleep possible while at a hotel it may be necessary to stick to a normal routine, get a workout in daily, bring some comforts from home and turn off the phone.
For some, having trouble getting enough sleep is caused by the fact that they are traveling a lot. While others sleep disorders Novato find out that they are suffering from one or more of the different sleep disorders. It is best to speak with a physician to help determine if the lack of sleep is caused by traveling or is indeed a sleeping disorder.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Seeking Treatment for Sleep Apnea is Important

skiing Denver
Sleep apnea is a common problem. It is seen more often in those who are overweight or obese, but thinner people can also suffer from it. Not everyone who has the condition is aware that they have it. If they live and sleep alone, they may not notice that they stop breathing for periods of time during the night. They can have a sleep study done by a doctor, to determine whether they have sleep apnea. People who have a partner who sleeps with them may discover the condition only because their partner becomes aware of it.

skiing Denver
No matter how they find out they have a medical problem, getting treatment for sleep apnea is very important. People who do not get treatment can see the condition worsen, which can lead to other health problems. For those who have sleep apnea Novato in Novato, there are treatment options available. Diagnosis and treatment should be explored as soon as possible, to avoid making the sleep apnea worse or having it lead to other medical issues. Many people who have sleep apnea struggle to stay awake during the day, and they never feel rested.

skiing Denver
Not getting enough good sleep can contribute to stress, weight gain, diabetes, heart problems, and other issues, but the risk can be reduced if the sleep apnea is treated and gotten under control. The pillar procedure is one of the ways sleep apnea is treated. It is non-invasive and can be completed in as little as 30 minutes. Once it has been done, the patient generally has a reduction or an elimination of sleep apnea and its symptoms. Many patients are amazed at how good they feel when they are able to simply get a good night's sleep for the first time in a very long time.

skiing Denver
There are patients who have been dealing with sleep apnea for years. They may have tried other treatments, such as CPAP machines, but not found relief. Many of these options are cumbersome and uncomfortable, so the patient stops wearing or using them. When a simple procedure can be used to reduce the problems that come with sleep apnea, it can restore a patient's quality of life. Sleep apnea treatment can also improve the relationship a patient has with their spouse or partner, since getting good sleep affects nearly everything a person does in their daily life.

Sleep Disorders Should Not be Ignored

skiing Denver
Sleep disorders like snoring and sleep apnea are often ignored. People are not interested in dealing with the problem, or they live alone and do not even realize that is is happening. They may not feel rested or think they are not sleeping well, but they may not realize why that is the case. For those who live alone and want answers, they can get information on their sleep disorders Novato in Novato. A sleep study will tell them if they are getting proper rest, and if they have sleep apnea or if they snore during the time they are not awake.

skiing Denver
Once they have the results of this study, they can make choices about what to do next. Regardless of the condition or issue they have, it should be treated. Ignoring problems like sleep apnea can lead to weight gain, trouble staying awake during the day, poor job performance, car accidents, heart problems, diabetes, and other issues. It is a serious concern, but there are treatments for it that will help a patient feel better and be healthier. One of these is the pillar procedure, which can be done in less than 30 minutes and is non-invasive. It is designed to reduce or eliminate sleep apnea, which can help with a number of other health issues.

skiing Denver
Exploring the cause of the sleep apnea or snoring issues is always the next step, after a sleep study indicates a problem. For those who do not sleep alone, a sleep study may not be necessary. Their partner may make it clear that their snoring is becoming a problem, or that they stop breathing multiple times during the night due to sleep apnea. Those kinds of conversations can be red flags for a potentially serious medical condition, and should not be taken lightly.

skiing Denver
After a patient knows that sleep apnea or snoring is a problem, it is important to discover the cause of the issue. In some cases it may be weight related, but people who are not overweight or obese can also have trouble with sleep apnea or snoring. The shape of the nasal passages, the way a person's jaw naturally falls when they are relaxed, and other factors can all lead to snoring or problems with sleep apnea. Once the cause is determined, the right treatment can be prescribed and administered, so the person can get good, restful sleep once again.

Monday, September 21, 2015

How Sleep Apnea Affects One’s Weight

Millions of people attempt to lose weight each year, but they are unsuccessful. Many people try so hard to lose weight to no avail, that they eventually give up. There are many ways a person can have trouble losing weight, but most people don’t consider the fact that sleep apnea Novato may affect their ability to lose weight.

sleep apnea Novato

Understanding Sleep Apnea
Most people are familiar with sleep apnea. It is a sleeping disorder that causes people to stop sleeping during the night. People who suffer from sleep apnea continuously stop breathing sleep apnea Novato throughout the night. Sleep apnea affects all aspects of their life, including not being able to get a good night’s rest. Sleep apnea has also been linked to weight gain.

The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Weight
Individuals who have sleep apnea don’t get the required amount of sleep they need each night. Since they stop breathing, they tend to toss and turn throughout the night, which affects their ability to be rested. The lack of restful sleep often makes people who have sleep apnea fatigued throughout the day. As a result of being tired, they become less active, which increases their chances of gaining weight.

How People Can Change the Weight Gain Cycle
Simply because a person suffers from sleep apnea, doesn’t mean they have to give up on their goal to weigh less. In fact, losing weight may help them get a restful night’s sleep. People with sleep center Novato sleep apnea must first visit their medical professional who is helping them with their sleep apnea for assistance. Many professionals provide their patients with sleep aids to help them improve their sleep.

During their doctor’s visit, patients can ask their doctors about starting a diet so that they can lose some weight. Typically, their doctor will provide them with diet recommendations that complement their existing treatment plan.

sleep center Novato

Of course, trying to lose weight while coping with sleep apnea will affect the rate of weight loss one experiences. The most important aspect to keep in my is that one can win the fight against obesity by taking it day by day. As their weight reduces, it is possible that their sleep apnea will improve as well.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

How Sleeping Disorders Disrupt Daily Routines

sleep disorders Novato
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke estimates that 40 million people suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep is a requirement to sustain life. Disorders that affect sleep ultimately affect the quality of life people maintain each day. 

Unfortunately, many people who have sleep disorders Novato allow the disorders to go undiagnosed because they think their sleeping problems will eventually go away. Sleeping disorders don’t simply go away, and they have a negative effect on a person’s life.

sleep apnea Novato
Extreme Fatigue Is a Symptom of Sleeping Disorders
It’s not unusual to be tired. In fact, it’s very common nowadays since many people are extremely busy. However, extreme fatigue can be a sign that a person is suffering from a sleep disorder. 

Often, sleep disorders prevent people from getting the required amount of sleep. For most people, they’ve grown accustomed to being extremely fatigued and don’t recognize they have a sleeping disorder.

sleep center Novato
Lack of Sleep Affects a Person’s Immunity
Chronic diseases affect millions of people each year, with many people dying as a result. The immune system is critical to fighting off diseases and other infections that affect a person’s daily life. 

Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough sleep, which is when the immune system works the hardest. People who don’t get enough sleep don’t benefit from having their immune system fight off diseases and infections for eight hours. As a result of this, people who have sleeping disorders may be sicker than others who get enough sleep each night.

sleep disorders Novato
Sleeping Disorders Reduce Productivity
Anyone can agree that not getting the right amount of sleep of sleep on any given night affects their ability to be alert. Without the ability to be alert at work, a person’s level of productivity can be affected significantly. The result to this problem could mean the loss of a job.

Not having the proper diagnosis for a sleeping disorder can be life-changing. Most people who suffer from a lack of sleep have other problematic areas in their life that stem from their lack of sleep. People who take the time to get a proper diagnosis will have the resources they need to overcome their sleeping disorder.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Understanding the Effects of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can become a serious disorder. It occurs when an individual’s breathing stops and starts repeatedly. Patients with sleep apnea might receive treatment from several types of healthcare professionals. The most common are pulmonary doctors; dentists; and ear, nose, and throat specialists. Overview of Sleep Apnea There are two primary kinds of sleep apnea. Quite often, both types remain initially undiagnosed. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea have the more common type. This condition occurs when muscles that keep the throat open in order for air to reach the lungs relax, blocking the airway.

sleep apnea Novato

Central sleep apnea is the result of the failure of the brain to send the right notices to muscles responsible for controlling breathing. People most often link sleep apnea to snoring. However, it can have a number of more serious effects. The disorder affects both adults and children. Studies have concluded that up to one-fourth of youngsters thought to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) might actually suffer from sleep apnea. Side Effects Sleep apnea patients can experience a combination of or a variety of side effects from the condition. The most common include:

Snoring Headaches Never feeling refreshed in the morning Irritability Retarded childhood growth Trouble concentrating Bed wetting in children Sleep walking in youngsters Falling asleep during a sedentary activity Sleeping while driving Need to urinate frequently at night

sleep apnea Novato

Sleep apnea can also result in more serious complications, such as: High blood pressure Heart problems Depression Memory issues Problems during surgery Liver problems Concerns with specific medications and general anesthesia Partners who become sleep-deprived Treatment Options Healthcare providers diagnose this condition by analyzing the results of overnight sleep studies. Individuals seeking treatment for sleep apnea Novato have a number of options for dealing with the disorder. The treating healthcare provider will recommend the best choice for each patient. The basic types of treatment include:

sleep apnea Novato

Airway pressure Devices that fit in the mouth Surgical removal of tissue Jaw repositioning through surgery Surgical implants in the soft palate Creation of a new air passageway for life-threatening cases Nasal surgery to remove any polyps or fix a deviated septum Medical personnel might also recommend a number of self-care steps such as: Losing any excess weight Getting regular exercise Not sleeping on the back Using sprays to keep nasal passages open Avoiding alcohol and medications like sleeping pills and tranquilizers

Understanding The Pillar Palatal Procedure

The Pillar Palatal Procedure is an FDA-approved, minimally invasive solution for treating certain types of sleep disorders in Novato and the surrounding areas.

sleep disorders Novato

. The procedure is highly effective at treating snoring and mild to moderate sleep disorders Novato brought on by the sufferer's palate. Many people think of snoring as just an annoying side effect of extreme tiredness, nasal allergies or sleeping in an awkward position. And while that may be the case for many snorers, many others who experience continual snoring may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized as pausing or shallow breathing during sleep - this condition obstructs vital oxygen from getting to the brain as well as the rest of the body.

sleep disorders Novato

Sleep apnea has been linked to other serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, GERD, obesity, poor blood circulation, shorter lifespan, ADHD and depression. Therefore, persons that experience frequent snoring should visit a doctor for evaluation and treatment options.The pillar palatal procedure has been the answer for many sufferers. It is performed as an outpatient procedure in a medical office by a small team of specialist. Small woven implants are embedded into the patent's soft palate which dulls the vibrations that brings forth snoring and sleep apnea.

sleep disorders Novato

The entire procedure takes less than thirty minutes start to finish and the patient's eating and speaking abilities remain unharmed. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to see a reduction of symptoms depending on the severity of the disorder. The benefits of a successful pillar palatal procedure include better quality of sleep, higher immune system, less daytime sleepiness, higher energy levels, longer lifespan, enhanced quality of life and increased bed partner satisfaction. To be considered for the procedure, the patient needs to be diagnosed and examined by a professional and then an appointment can be made.

As mentioned above, continual snoring and untreated sleep apnea can degrade the sufferer's quality of life and cause the formation of both mental and physical disorders. The pillar palatal procedure can reverse that fear and promote better night sleep night.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

There are in fact two types of sleep apnea Novato. Central sleep disorders Novato breathing patterns; this condition can be caused by a brain tumor, heart condition or stroke. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused when the muscles in the back of the throat relax and thus constrict one's airways. 

Obstructive sleep apnea results in snoring and interrupted sleep cycles, leaving a person (and his or her significant other) feeling tired and lacking in energy.

Root Causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea has many causes. Those who are overweight are more likely to have problems with this form of apnea than those who are at their proper weight. Age also plays a role; the older sleep center Novato one gets, the more susceptible he or she may be to sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea can also be a genetic condition. Some people are born with a narrow airway and thus have a difficult time breathing at night. A person is also more likely to have sleep apnea problems if a close family member also has problems with this condition.

Bad health habits can also cause sleep apnea. Smoking increases inflammation and fluid retention in one's upper airway, thus making it harder to breathe at night than it would have been sleep apnea Novato otherwise. Alcohol, sedatives and/or tranquilizers can also cause problems, as they relax the muscles in the back of the throat, causing them to block one's airway.

There are other causes of this condition as well. These include allergies, a thick neck and/or a receding chin. Gender and race also play a role; young African Americans are more likely to contract sleep apnea than those of other races and men are twice as likely to have obstructive sleep apnea than women.

Getting Help
There are many reasons why a person has problems with sleep apnea and in many cases two or even more factors may be causing the problem. However, the good news is that sleep apnea is sleep center Novato not an incurable problem. A Novato sleep center can often treat the problem and give a person good advice as to how to prevent future breathing problems. 

Those who have (or suspect they may have) apnea should seek medical help right away so as to be able to sleep well at night and enjoy the benefits that getting enough sleep brings.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Is Snoring a Sleep Disorder?

There are many reasons why people snore, so it is not surprising that many Novato residents would not think of snoring as being of the many sleep disorders. What is more, it should be sleep disorders Novato noted that snoring is not always a sign of a serious problem. Alcohol can relax the muscles in the back of the throat, causing them to block one's airway as he or she sleeps. 

This means that having a little bit too much to drink at night can cause snoring. A person who sleeps on his or her back may also have snoring problems, a problem which can be easily resolved by finding another comfortable position to sleep in.

On the other hand, it is important to note that the vast majority of people who have problems with snoring also have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition caused when the sleep apnea Novato muscles in the back of the throat always relax when one lies down to sleep. It can be caused by age, genetics, weight, smoking, nasal congestion and other factors.

A person who regularly snores will want to visit a Novato sleeping center to determine the root cause. A sleeping center will generally conduct various tests to determine what is causing the sleep center Novato problem and offer tips and advice that can help to reduce or eliminate snoring. If medical attention is needed, a simple procedure will be performed to help the muscles in the back of the throat stay in place while one sleeps.

Can Snoring be Cured?
There are many purported cures for snoring on the market. However, experts caution against purchasing a spray, pills or a device meant to stop snoring unless one has seen a doctor for this sleep disorders Novato condition. While in some cases the cure for snoring is as simple as rolling over, in other instances a simple surgery is needed to help keep the airways clear while one sleeps.

Getting help for snoring is not something that should be put off. Snoring can not only disrupt the snorer's sleep but also that of his or her partner. While this condition is not necessarily indicative of a serious sleep disorders Novato, it is commonly brought about by sleep apnea, a condition that can be easily treated. Getting timely help will enable on to get enough sleep at night and thus have the energy needed to make it through the day.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Get Sleep Apnea Treatment in Novato, California

sleep center Novato
Not only is sleep apnea annoying, but it can also be deadly. Those with this condition may not be able to breathe sometimes. The patient is also not likely to sleep well, which can leave them tired and eventually exhausted. Sleep deprivation is also very dangerous. Besides the health effects, sleep deprivation as caused by sleep apnea decreases everyone's quality of life. The patient feels constantly fatigued and thus unhappy and their partner is kept awake by the snoring. Those that want to find a treatment to reduce their sleep apnea should visit a facility in Novato, California.
sleep center Novato
With a comforting waiting room, visiting the trained staff at this facility won't be uncomfortable, awkward, or embarrassing. In fact, snoring is very common, as this facility found that at least half of grown women and men do it sometimes. About 25 percent have a more serious snoring issue. Overweight individuals are more likely to snore more. While men tend to suffer from sleep apnea most, women can too. When a patient visits a facility like this in Novato, they will learn what makes them snore. Besides weight, the positioning of the uvula, an oversized tongue, a palate that moves too much or too little, and tonsils can all prevent normal air passages.
sleep center Novato
Those that have a beer or a glass of wine some nights also tend to snore, although this may only occur when they drink. Patients that have a deviated septum or allergies may notice that these influence how much they snore too. Heartburn can even be the culprit. If a patient notices that their throat is strangely sore when they wake up and that they often wake up at night feeling like they're being choked, they may have sleep apnea Novato. High blood pressure is another symptom. Once a patient receives a diagnosis, it's time to consider treatments.
sleep center Novato
The pillar palatal procedure is most commonly used at facilities like these. With FDA approval, this procedure is not a major surgery. Instead, it's outpatient and takes about 30 minutes tops. During the pillar palatal procedure, the surgeon adds implants to the patient's soft palate. These implants are made of gentle material and will never scrape any parts of the throat or cause pain. Instead, a loose palate gains structure and snoring should stop. Of course, it's best to wait at least a few weeks for results. In some patients, they noticed that their snoring decreased or stopped in a few months. After receiving a pillar palatal procedure, many patients reported better relationships with their partner, less sleep apnea symptoms (by a rate of about 80 percent), less snoring, and less exhaustion.