Millions of people attempt to lose weight each year, but they are unsuccessful. Many people try so hard to lose weight to no avail, that they eventually give up. There are many ways a person can have trouble losing weight, but most people don’t consider the fact that sleep apnea Novato may affect their ability to lose weight.
Understanding Sleep Apnea
Most people are familiar with sleep apnea. It is a sleeping disorder that causes people to stop sleeping during the night. People who suffer from sleep apnea continuously stop breathing
throughout the night. Sleep apnea affects all aspects of their life, including not being able to get a good night’s rest. Sleep apnea has also been linked to weight gain.
The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Weight
Individuals who have sleep apnea don’t get the required amount of sleep they need each night. Since they stop breathing, they tend to toss and turn throughout the night, which affects their ability to be rested. The lack of restful sleep often makes people who have sleep apnea fatigued throughout the day. As a result of being tired, they become less active, which increases their chances of gaining weight.
How People Can Change the Weight Gain Cycle
Simply because a person suffers from sleep apnea, doesn’t mean they have to give up on their goal to weigh less. In fact, losing weight may help them get a restful night’s sleep. People with
sleep apnea must first visit their medical professional who is helping them with their sleep apnea for assistance. Many professionals provide their patients with sleep aids to help them improve their sleep.
During their doctor’s visit, patients can ask their doctors about starting a diet so that they can lose some weight. Typically, their doctor will provide them with diet recommendations that complement their existing treatment plan.
Of course, trying to lose weight while coping with sleep apnea will affect the rate of weight loss one experiences. The most important aspect to keep in my is that one can win the fight against obesity by taking it day by day. As their weight reduces, it is possible that their sleep apnea will improve as well.
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