
Friday, January 15, 2016

5 Lesser Known Sleep Disorders

sleep disorders Novato

Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea happens when there is not enough air getting to the lungs as a result of the airway closing up while sleeping. It can be difficult to differentiate between sleep apnea and other sleep disorders, because the symptoms are all very similar. By recognizing the symptoms of sleep apnea, the sufferer and their doctor will be able to make the decision on what to do about the disorder. Shift Work Disorder There are many people around the country who have to work different shifts, swing shifts, and overnight shifts. These people may have trouble sleeping at night when they are not working or trouble sleeping during the day when they have been working. By not sleeping regular hours, people who work shift work can destroy their Circadian rhythms. Shift work disorder can have symptoms that include excessive daytime sleepiness, exhaustion and fatigue. These can pose a problem for daily life and can lead to severe consequences. Shift work disorder can generally be cured once the person goes back to a regular shift.

sleep disorders Novato

Extreme Sleepiness Extreme sleepiness is a disorder that involves being extremely tired during the day for a reason that is not the cause of another disease. It is not caused from any secondary issues and shows up on its own for no reason. Extreme sleepiness can be diagnosed by a sleep professional. Lifestyle changes can sometimes fix the disorder, but are not likely to help. Many times, people with extreme sleepiness require medication to help manage the symptoms that are caused by it.

sleep disorders Novato

Insomnia While many people see insomnia as a disease that causes them to not be able to sleep, that is a blanket term. Insomnia is the inability to sleep as a result of sleep cycle changes not caused by medication, diet, or any other lifestyle factors. It can be difficult to diagnose, especially in people who have extreme lifestyle circumstances. It is important to note that insomnia is a disease and is not simply a person’s inability to sleep. While some people may go through bouts where they are not able to sleep, that does not mean they have insomnia.

sleep disorders Novato

GERD The uncomfortable condition known as GERD is usually seen as a disorder of the stomach and digestive system. It causes problems like indigestion, heartburn, and other stomach-related issues. It is recognized as one of the sleep disorders Novato, because it causes issues with sleeping patterns. Due to the high amount of acid in the esophageal area, it can cause a person to be uncomfortable while they are sleeping. Along with these issues, it can lead to a person having a secondary complication that later presents as a sleep disorder. It is important for anyone with GERD to work with a gastroenterologist and a sleep disorders professional in Novato who understands the way GERD affects a person’s sleeping patterns.

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