Many people, who have sleep apnea, do not even know they have this
condition. The mild cases do not disturb the person enough for them to notice,
although there may be some indications of a problem.
For example, the studies of sleep apnea in Novato show that the diagnosis of
the condition comes from observing a person in the entire sleep pattern. This
is the clearest way to see the problems of sleep apnea.

What is Sleep Apnea?
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH) notes how difficult it is
to determine problems associated with sleep apnea. The confirmation comes from
the studies of sleep apnea Novato.
A person experiencing sleep apnea feels like they are choking in their
sleep. They awake suddenly with the feeling that they cannot breathe.
This is a horrible condition, because many people who have this condition do
not even know they have it, as it is often undetected.

The NIH notes that obstructive sleep apnea occurs as follows:
- The airway become blocked during sleep
- A partner in the same bed may notice this before the
person experiencing this problem notices it
- This is a common problem for people that are obese
Conditions Related to Sleep Apnea
- Sleep apnea increases the risks of diabetes, heart
conditions, and stroke
- Sleep apnea increases the risk of irregular heart beats
- Sleep apnea increases the risk of on-the-job accidents
- Sleep apnea increases the chance of having an
automobile accident

Treatment for Sleep Apnea
The treatment may come from a dentist instead of a doctor. Surprisingly, a
dentist is the most likely help for problems with sleep apnea. The reasons for
this is that a dentist understands the normal positioning of the teeth in the
mouth and the way that everything interacts between the teeth, the mouth, the
jaws, and the throat to make a nice balance.
Without this balance, there is the possibility of sleep apnea occurring.

Sleep apnea is a treatable problem. After recognition of the problem, for those having this difficulty, who want to get relief, they can seek out treatment for sleep apnea in Novato.