
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sleep Apnea - the Invisible Condition

Many people, who have sleep apnea, do not even know they have this condition. The mild cases do not disturb the person enough for them to notice, although there may be some indications of a problem.
For example, the studies of sleep apnea in Novato show that the diagnosis of the condition comes from observing a person in the entire sleep pattern. This is the clearest way to see the problems of sleep apnea.

sleep center Novato

What is Sleep Apnea?

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH) notes how difficult it is to determine problems associated with sleep apnea. The confirmation comes from the studies of sleep apnea  Novato.

A person experiencing sleep apnea feels like they are choking in their sleep. They awake suddenly with the feeling that they cannot breathe.
This is a horrible condition, because many people who have this condition do not even know they have it, as it is often undetected.

sleep center Novato

The NIH notes that obstructive sleep apnea occurs as follows:
  • The airway become blocked during sleep
  • A partner in the same bed may notice this before the person experiencing this problem notices it
  • This is a common problem for people that are obese
Conditions Related to Sleep Apnea
  • Sleep apnea increases the risks of diabetes, heart conditions, and stroke
  • Sleep apnea increases the risk of irregular heart beats
  • Sleep apnea increases the risk of on-the-job accidents
  • Sleep apnea increases the chance of having an automobile accident
sleep center Novato

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

The treatment may come from a dentist instead of a doctor. Surprisingly, a dentist is the most likely help for problems with sleep apnea. The reasons for this is that a dentist understands the normal positioning of the teeth in the mouth and the way that everything interacts between the teeth, the mouth, the jaws, and the throat to make a nice balance.

Without this balance, there is the possibility of sleep apnea occurring.

sleep center Novato


It is not easy to notice if there is a problem with sleep apnea. Many times the first indication of a problem comes from a partner sleeping in the same bed, who wakes from the sounds of the other person struggling to breathe while sleeping.

Sleep apnea is a treatable problem. After recognition of the problem, for those having this difficulty, who want to get relief, they can seek out treatment for sleep apnea in Novato.

Learning More About Sleep Disoders Might Serve as the First Step to Great Sleep

People who suffer from lack of sleep often have some mysterious underlying issue but don't have the tools to properly identify that issue. 

sleep center Novato

The inability to pinpoint the reason for their sleeplessness often means they continue to suffer and usually end up letting the situation go on for several years. In some cases of sleep disorders Novato, unresolved cases can go on for a lifetime. With sleep clinics and medical professionals who focus on disordered sleeping, and finding solutions to these issues, poor sleepers can find answers and a path toward achieving consistent good nights of sleeping and refreshing rest.

What Can Most People Learn About Sleep Disorders to Help Them Decide How to Find Help?
People often think of insomnia and sleep apnea when it comes to discussing sleep disorders. While those issues are most common, there are several other sleep disturbances that might cause inability to sleep or some sleep interruptions. 

sleep apnea Novato

Patients who visit a reputable hospital with a staff of committed and compassionate professionals unsettled sleepers might find some answers and sound solutions for some common sleep disorders that many people might not imagine are happening to them:
  • Nightmares. Many people start having occasional nightmares at an early age; as an expression of unspoken daytime fears and worries, or from having watched a particularly scary film. When nightmares consistently follow someone into adulthood, preventing a good night's sleep, they have surpassed that original idea of a bad dream and become something dark and prohibitive of getting sleep for some sufferers to sleep much at all.
sleep center Novato
  • Insomnia. This most common sleep disorder is, for suffering patients, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep when all conditions to do so — a safe, comfortable and soft bed and warm soothing surroundings, for example — are available to the person suffering from insomnia. Insomnia can go on for long periods and end suddenly. However, while someone deals with an ongoing bout with this condition, they might experience fatigue, challenges concentrating, mood disturbances, low energy, and decreased scholastic or work performance.
  • Sleep Apnea. As associated with lack of breathing as lack of sleeping, sleep apnea is another problem facing many people just trying to get enough rest to lead productive lives. 
  • An "apnea," or a breathing pause happens frequently throughout someone's sleep and lasts about 10 seconds. Those who suffer from this condition usually only experience fragmented sleep and feel tired much of the time.
sleep apnea Novato

When patients attend a sleep specialist, they can find out about these conditions and others to get the help they need to finally get some rest.