
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Get Sleep Apnea Treatment in Novato, California

sleep center Novato
Not only is sleep apnea annoying, but it can also be deadly. Those with this condition may not be able to breathe sometimes. The patient is also not likely to sleep well, which can leave them tired and eventually exhausted. Sleep deprivation is also very dangerous. Besides the health effects, sleep deprivation as caused by sleep apnea decreases everyone's quality of life. The patient feels constantly fatigued and thus unhappy and their partner is kept awake by the snoring. Those that want to find a treatment to reduce their sleep apnea should visit a facility in Novato, California.
sleep center Novato
With a comforting waiting room, visiting the trained staff at this facility won't be uncomfortable, awkward, or embarrassing. In fact, snoring is very common, as this facility found that at least half of grown women and men do it sometimes. About 25 percent have a more serious snoring issue. Overweight individuals are more likely to snore more. While men tend to suffer from sleep apnea most, women can too. When a patient visits a facility like this in Novato, they will learn what makes them snore. Besides weight, the positioning of the uvula, an oversized tongue, a palate that moves too much or too little, and tonsils can all prevent normal air passages.
sleep center Novato
Those that have a beer or a glass of wine some nights also tend to snore, although this may only occur when they drink. Patients that have a deviated septum or allergies may notice that these influence how much they snore too. Heartburn can even be the culprit. If a patient notices that their throat is strangely sore when they wake up and that they often wake up at night feeling like they're being choked, they may have sleep apnea Novato. High blood pressure is another symptom. Once a patient receives a diagnosis, it's time to consider treatments.
sleep center Novato
The pillar palatal procedure is most commonly used at facilities like these. With FDA approval, this procedure is not a major surgery. Instead, it's outpatient and takes about 30 minutes tops. During the pillar palatal procedure, the surgeon adds implants to the patient's soft palate. These implants are made of gentle material and will never scrape any parts of the throat or cause pain. Instead, a loose palate gains structure and snoring should stop. Of course, it's best to wait at least a few weeks for results. In some patients, they noticed that their snoring decreased or stopped in a few months. After receiving a pillar palatal procedure, many patients reported better relationships with their partner, less sleep apnea symptoms (by a rate of about 80 percent), less snoring, and less exhaustion.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sleep Disorders in Novato May Cease to Exist with the Help of Modern Dentistry

sleep disorders Novato

People experiencing sleep disorders in Novato may not realize that a local dentist offers snoring reduction services. Sleep apnea typically results in excessive snoring. When the snoring is so loud that it causes the person's spouse to sleep in a separate bedroom, a marriage is about to have dire consequences unless the snorer takes immediate action. Otherwise, the unsuspecting innocent may learn that a formerly beloved spouse is now seeking counsel from a divorce attorney. People get divorced for many reasons, including whether a spouse squeezes toothpaste from the top or bottom of a tube, so it is no wonder that sleep disorders in Novato may cause an alarming increase in local dissolution cases.

sleep disorders Novato

A New Dental Procedure Yields Promising Results for Sleep Apnea Patients People in Novato with sleep disorders may find that they are eligible to undergo a simple, 20-minute dental procedure that has a high success rate. With greater chances for optimum health, more energy throughout the day due to better sleep patterns and healthier marital relations, it is no wonder that more patients are interested in taking care of their snoring issues. A person with a sleep disorder may benefit from a simple dental procedure with a high rate of success. Additionally, snorers who wish to stop snoring should develop healthier lifestyles.

sleep disorders Novato

Other Ways to Control Snoring Issues Besides the possibility of undergoing a quick dental procedure involving minimal outpatient surgery, people in Novato with sleep apnea disorders should also try to drink less liquor, especially right before bedtime. Excessive wine or beer consumption may help a person relax, but alcohol may also interfere with a healthy sleep pattern. Another thing to look at is whether the person is overweight. A person who needs to lose weight should follow a nutritious diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Along with waking up feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep, the former snorer may also find that he or she feels less tired and generally healthier.

To Snore or Not to Snore: That is the Question If a person who snores too much lives alone, the only person affected is the snorer. Eliminating alcohol consumption and losing weight may help the individual to conquer sleep apnea.

sleep disorders Novato

If all else fails, people in Novato with sleep disorders may discover that visiting the dentist yields surprising rewards.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Apnea in Novato

sleep disorders Novato
Sleep apnea is one of several sleep disorders Novato. It's a condition that occurs when soft tissue blocks a person’s airways, preventing them from breathing while they sleep. It can also happen when the muscles the respiratory system doesn’t receive orders from the brain to breathe. Countless Americans are unaware that they have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is essentially a pause in breathing while a person sleeps. This pause can happen many times causing the person to get insufficient sleep and oxygen. Various factors can cause a person to experience sleep apnea. These include: Carrying too much body weight Having medical problems, such as asthma or sinus issues Having a family history of the condition Getting older
sleep disorders Novato
How is it Diagnosed? A person’s medical history, family history and a physical exam might give doctors clues that the person has sleep apnea. Frequent snoring might also be a sign of sleep apnea. Also, doctors might discover sleep apnea in people who participate in sleep studies. Sleep diaries For people who think they might have sleep apnea, a sleep diary might help doctors determine if this is the case. Keeping a sleep diary involves tracking sleep and nap times and recording whether the person feels rested upon waking.
sleep disorders Novato
Polysonogram Doctors often use a polysonogram to diagnose sleep apnea. It’s a study of a person’s brain activity, eye movements and heart rate. The study also measures the person’s blood pressure and records how much oxygen is in the person’s blood flow. Technicians place sensors on various areas of the person’s body, including their fingers, head, face and scalp. The sensors help record the person’s activities as he or she sleeps What Are Some Treatments? Doctors may recommend several treatment options for people with sleep apnea. These include various devices and surgeries.
sleep disorders Novato
Devices Devices to treat sleep apnea include airway pressure devices and oral appliances. Airway pressure devices are snug masks that the patient wears while sleeping. These masks give the person continuous pressurized air, and prevents the their airways from becoming blocked. Oral appliances look like mouth guards. These devices keep the person’s jaws in a forward position, and thus keep the airway open. Surgery Surgery might be an option for people with sleep apnea Novato. Procedures might involve removing excess tissue that might be blocking the airway, removing the tonsils or adenoids, or inserting a tube through the person’s neck to the windpipe. Whatever procedure is used, it’s often the last resort. Doctors often recommend surgery only if all else has failed.